The good ol' days...(1st grade)
Sophomore in HS.
(That's Yiddish for "Oh my," if you didn't know that.)
Yup. My baby boy, Derek Allen, turned 16 this month. He is quite tall, freakishly strong, somewhat stubborn and very handsome. It is an utter shock to think that he is 16 though. We had a nice family party for him where he received a Kindle e-reader and various weightlifting and exercise equipment since he's really into that right now. He wants to do a friend party in the spring when it gets a bit warmer and he can use the pool. We had a great time celebrating him. We love him so much and are excited for all the adventures he now gets to embark on (please interpret this to be "Dating and Driving").
He wasted no time in getting right into the driving part by taking his written exam and getting nothing less than 100% on it they day of his 16th birthday. He was ready to go for the driving test, but they were backed up with all the snow closures and he couldn't take it until March 11th.
He did manage to go on his first date the Friday night after his birthday and had the best time. They are now "Facebook Official" for those in the know. That is all I will say about that subject for fear of the backlash one may receive from disclosing too much information. Ahem. 'Nuf said.
As far as the driving, somewhat needless to say, he passed (90%) and is now is a driver taking himself to school and seminary alone. *heavy sigh*
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