Monday, January 8, 2018

What's this about a flu thing going around?...

Howdy Y’all!

I've been wicked sick this week. I don't get sick very often - once every two years or so - and it always knocks me down! We even stayed in from proselyting for a night. That's the first time I've had to do that on my mission! I'd usually try to tough it out, but I was afraid I would toss my cookies on somebody's porch.

Apparently there's some kind of flu thing going around? I'm a little disappointed that I got sick, since I've been immunized. But, whatever! 

IDK what the deal is, but I haven't been sick for this long in a WHILE. I got some probiotic gummies and I've been popping them like candy hoping to crowd everything else out! On the bright side, I'm pretty sure I've lost almost all of that holiday weight, as I've eaten two meals the last three days! (Staying plenty hydrated though, of course)

Nevertheless, we had a great week! Roy got baptized! We're so happy for him.

Here's an update on some of our investigators and pictures.


Roy Morgan was baptized this week! His testimony that he bore after his baptism and after his confirmation blew us away. Phenomenal! 

Darrell, Jaden, and Kaylin:

Darrell's lessons have been going spectacularly! He has enjoyed the plan of salvation so much, that it has taken us four appointments to get through that lesson alone! He's full of questions. In a recent lesson, while we were connecting the fall of Adam and Eve to the principle of agency, he had a profound prompting from the spirit in Genesis 3:22

“And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil [...]“

Rather than the principle of agency jumping out to Roy, what stuck out was “us”. He wanted to know who this “us” was. We explained that in the KJV, “the Lord” is really “Jehovah” or Jesus Christ, and that Jesus was speaking to our Heavenly Father. He was amazed to think that they could be different people, and has spent hours poring over the scriptures we've given him out of the Bible and the Book of Mormon to help him understand.

In our last lesson, Darrell's son Jaden taught his Dad about the crucifixion, and the inverted crucifixion of the Apostle Peter. We talked more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and had an opportunity to testify of Christ's divinity and love for us.

We're very excited for Darrell and his family!


Kaylyn is doing wonderfully! She's still a Book of Mormon reading machine, and is faithfully keeping all of her commitments! She was mired in the Isaiah chapters, so we moved her to Alma. Her only obstacle to baptism is still the objection of her father. She would be baptized now if it wasn't for that objection. Please pray for him, that his heart will be softened! We saw him recently, and he participated in a lesson where we read one of the Isaiah chapters from the Book of Mormon. 


Have a great week y’all!

Elder Derek Troy

Baptismal Font

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