Sunday, December 11, 2022

365 days as a missionary.

 Hey yall! 

Tomorrow I will have been a missionary for 1 year. Woo-hoo! 2/3 done and can't wait to see what the last 4 transfers bring. 

Speaking of transfers- Sister Arnold is leaving me in cb! I'll get a new companion tomorrow morning. I don't know who it will be yet but I'm stoked! Sister Arnold is most likely heading to sioux city. 

So what happened this week? Exchanges per usual! I got to go with Sister sagapolu here in cb. I haven't laughed that much in a hot minute. Sister sagapolu and I have a lot of similar interests and we share a love for pday basketball. After being out of the apartment for MAYBE 10 minutes I ran over some nasty puke in the car and it stuck with us all day. Sister sagapolu even stepped in it so we had to make a pit stop at the CVS to clean it up because it was RANK. 

Anyways ya missionary life is not glamorous haha! 

The last couple weeks we started teaching some pretty amazing people. Our friend Sidney has been interested in baptism since day one and has been reading the book of Mormon every day for 30 minutes. The adversary has been working super hard on her though and I know he works hardest on people seeking truth. Some obstacles Sidney has had: son died, fell down stairs, home bound for weeks (maybe months), husband diagnosed with cancer, etc. Sidney is so resilient and we can't wait to keep teaching her and work towards her baptism. 
Isabella was referred to us by a member of the neighbor ward of council bluffs, kanesville. Isabella is dating her less active son and she works with Isabella! She is a sincere truth seeker and loves reading the book of Mormon. She's been to church the last two weeks and agreed to be baptized last night. I get chills thinking about the Spirit in that lesson and how hard it worked on Isabella and her boyfriend. 

Today for pday we went to the zoo as a district! The Omaha zoo is the highlight of the mission for sure it's amazing. I've been twice before but the first time it was about 10⁰ and the second time about 95⁰. Today's temperature of 55⁰ was nice! 

Looking forward to Thanksgiving with family and friends! I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and hope you take advantage of the time you have to spend with loved ones. Don't take a minute for granted! Stay grateful. 

Jesus loves you, 

Sister Katie Troy 

Pics: zoo!, last district pic :,( rip, nasty shoes, grub, stingrays, monkeys omg

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